Is Dreame Publishers (also known as Ficfun and Stary LTD.) a Scam?


My name is Chris… and I’m not famous. A publisher recently contacted because they found my book online and want to offer me a contract… should I take it?

…my advice? Run away. Probably.

So my SF story Dekker’s Dozen: The Last Watchmen has over 65,000 reads on Wattpad and had been featured in the past. This morning, after a brief interaction with a publisher, I was offered a contract. Don’t congratulate me yet. Not all contracts are created equally.

It sounds too good to be true, right? You put something on Wattpad and then a publisher comes calling? But that’s what happened to guys like Taran Matharu who writes the Summoner series (and who I’ve had conversations with via the social writing platform.) But as I often caution folks, plan to be the rule rather than the exception.

On second glance at their initial message and subsequent ones I was asked to “kindly reply” or “kindly send XYZ.” That’s not how native English speakers speak and is usually a giveaway of an overseas scam. But this company might not actually be a scam. They are, however, not looking play by the same rules as regular publishers.

The company in question is Dreame… with an E. It didn’t take much looking around the internet to find that my experience with Dreame is not uncommon; they’ve made a habit of soliciting authors from Wattpad to try and gain rights to their stories and then publish them exclusively on That’s a legitimate business model. They offered me sixty bucks, which is a bit of a slap in the face since I would be prohibited from sharing this story electronically (ebook) and possibly they would get the audible rights as well. They are cautious to mention in the contract that you retain paperback rights, but audiobooks are on the rise, and you might be agreeing to give them 20% of your sales in exchange for that tiny advance they give you… that’s right. It’s an advance, which means if they make money on the book (by whatever metric they determine) they still might not have to pay you unless they exceed that original amount.

Dreame, which looks like a Wattpad clone with a paywall for certain stories, is based out of Singapore. It is affiliated with Ficfun, which has a rating of two thumbs down from some writing services. There is a thread going about it over at Reddit which is worth checking out. Dreame runs under the business name of Stary PTE Ltd

They talk a bunch about quality of stories, etc… but just like Wattpad, it seems like mostly bad romance fiction or rip-offs and fanfics. Honestly, a guy can only stomach so much Mario on Luigi gay erotica on a landing page before he gives up on a platform altogether. (And let’s not forget about the infamous 50 Shades of Gandalf the Grey I referenced before… you can’t make this stuff up.) Interestingly enough, Wattpad is also toying with a “paid” option, although this service is currently in limited beta and not currently available in the US. Could Dreame be legit and scooping Wattpad on their upcoming service? I guess it is possible (they have been open to negotiation from me on finer points of the contract but have also repeatedly dodged the question of exactly how stories will generate funds to split with authors). I’ve been told that authors can earn 30%, 40%, or 50% depending on the amount an author takes in the form of an advance… percentages mean nothing, though if I don’t know how the thing is gonna earn out.

After multiple emails stating that I needed to know how it made money. I finally asked “Does it only earn money if someone signs up to read it, does it earn money or no money if a subscriber reads it? Does it only earn money if they click response device like a button for Like or Share at the end or does simply clicking the story link earn a commission? You’ve not given me those kinds of details which is what I want to know so I can judge how successful my story might be and make a decision.” As you can see by the below response, they completely dodge the question with their answer:

Stories with good performance will be put behind the pay wall. We will see from the data analysis. And Author will have a 30% share after the income gained by the Work exceeds the whole cost paid by us, including without limitation the royalty paid to Author, marketing fee and other costs charged by any third parties.
Author will have access to the sales amount in the author center, but since now our author center is still in development, which might be available in several months. And at present, we are investing extra amount of money to promote our stories as well as our app. But we will share the records to our authors if the profits exceed our investment before the author center is set up.

So basically, they are saying that whenever they are ready to start paying you, then they will explain how they do their accounting and math so that their payment will add up. That’s a big red flag for me.

Anyways, their contract looks pretty bad, too. You can follow up with some details from kboards and other authors who got similarly bad contracts and where one writer notes:

It also reads like they are trying to act as an agent to sell the rights to other media. Again, not necessarily a problem so long as you have right of refusal to any deal they come up with. But there have been outfits like this that self refer (they “sell” the rights to the audiobook, for example, to their own sister company and your contract requires you to accept). So unless you get final right of refusal, this is a non-starter.

My biggest concern is that there is a lot of vague, “squishy” language used. And I don’t trust vague, squishy language.

Don’t take my language for it. Here is a sample contract they sent me to look at, but FIRST, I wanted to draw your attention to some of the comments below. While I can’t independently verify the truth of each comment, one that scares me says:

I have been on their discord server for 2-3 years now and have been with them since the beginning. Everything above is TRUE. Do NOT join ficfun or dreame. Me and a bunch of other writers have been doing investigations on them for a long time and nothing is positive. First off, their USA location originally was in the middle of a lake near Michigan. Like…really? Second, their country, based in Hong Kong, makes it illegal for them to pay their writers outside of paypal – where you are subject to tax laws and potential late payments. One signed writer, who is desperate, got her payment 6 WEEKS after the said payment date.
I partially run their server and if you have any questions, ask me. The server has been basically abandoned by the ficfun team and is left to normal writers. I BEG YOU – keep people away from them.

And now, here’s that Copyright License Agreement from Dreame

This Copyright License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is entered into effect on [ ] [ ], [ ] (“Effective Date”) by and between STARY PTE. LTD., a Singapore corporation under the laws of Singapore with its registered office at [11 Woodlands Close, #08-20, Woodlands 11, Singapore (737853)], (hereinafter referred as “Dreame”) and [ ], penname [ ], an individual with a permanent address at [ ] (hereinafter referred as “Author”). Hereinafter Dreame and Author will be singularly or collectively referred to as “Party” or “Parties”.

By signing this Agreement, Author has agreed to grant the Digital Copyright of their Work to Dreame exclusively in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the Parties hereby agree as follows:

  1. Definition

1.1 Work means all or part of the [ ] or its derivatives originally created or written by Author, who owns complete copyrights of such Work under any applicable law or regulation.

1.2 Digital copyright means the right to use, publish, distribute, sell, sublicense, post, advertise, promote or market such Work on Platform in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

1.3 Platform means all the online platforms owned, operated or controlled directly or indirectly by Dreame, including but not limited to its websites and applications.

  1. Remuneration

2.1 Basic payment: Dreame agrees to pay Author a one-time payment X (X) United States Dollars for the complete Work.

2.2 Dreame has the right to put the Work in the pay-to-read program according to its standards. In this case, Author will receive a 30% share of the profits gained by the Work, when the extra revenue generated by the work exceeds the whole cost paid by Dreame, including and without limitation, the basic payment paid to Author, marketing fee, and any other costs charged by third parties. Except the foregoing compensation or unless otherwise stipulated, Dreame has no obligation to pay any other proceeds, benefits, interest and the like to Author.

2.3 Dreame will only make the basic payment to Author after the full manuscript of the Work is submitted to Dreame by Author. Payment will be made no later than the 30th of the following month via PayPal or international wire transfer. Author will bear the risk of failed payment if the PayPal or bank information Author offered to Dreame is incorrect.

2.4 All taxes or charges due in connection with the compensation for the Work shall be borne by Author.

  1. Dreame’s Obligations

3.1 Dreame acknowledges that Author is the owner of the Work, and shall do nothing inconsistent with such ownership.

3.2 Dreame shall use the Work and pay the remuneration to Author according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

3.3 Dreame is obligated to keep all the personal information or other materials Author doesn’t want to make public as confidential.

  1. Author’s Obligations

4.1 Author shall submit the complete manuscript in DOC file 10 days before the pay day. Author acknowledges and agrees that the Work shall contain no less than [ ] words and is obligated to start uploading the Work to Platform within a month after this Agreement takes effect and upload at least [ ] chapter(s) per week. If Author fails to meet the foregoing requirements, Dreame is entitled to upload the Work to its Platform without prior notice to Author.

4.2 Author guarantees that they shall not plagiarize or infringe another person’s legal rights and that the Work is completely original.

4.3 Author shall uphold the reputation of Dreame and will not engage in activities that harm Dreame nor its interests.

4.4 Author agrees to provide necessary assistance or support for Dreame’s marketing and promotion for the Work, including without limitation necessary information or other promotional materials.

4.5 Author can self-publish the Work in paperback form only and all earnings will be Author’s own. However, Author shall not publish or sell the Work on any other third parties’ online platforms. If Author wishes to publish or sell the Work on a third party’s platform, Author must get Dreame’s express written permission by giving prior written notice to Dreame. Any future earnings made in this way shall be charged a further 30% commission by Dreame.

4.6 The Work must adhere to the standards set by Dreame. If the Work contains excessive spelling or grammatical errors, Author will be required to make revisions in accordance with Dreame’s requests. In such a case that Author refuses to make the revisions or such Work does not meet Dreame’s requirement after the revision, Dreame shall be entitled to not use or release such Work, and to terminate this Agreement without legal liability.

  1. Terms and Termination

5.1 This Agreement shall commence from the Effective Date and shall continue in full force and effect during the period of creation of the Work and for five (5) more years after the Work is completed on Dreame, i.e., the plot must be completed and confirmed by Dreame. This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for additional five (5) years, unless either Party provides written notice of non-renewal to the other Party, no less than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of Agreement.

5.2 If Author breaches this Agreement and fails in fulfilling their obligations, Dreame has the right to suspend payments and require Author to refund all the compensation. In such case Author will also bear all legal consequences and losses incurred.

  1. Miscellaneous

6.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with any applicable laws and the laws of Singapore. Any dispute or disagreement arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be firstly solved through amicable negotiation; if negotiation fails, the forgoing disputes or disagreements shall be exclusively submitted to Singapore International Arbitration Center (SIAC) for arbitration.

6.2 Both Parties agree that the scanned copy of the signed Agreement has the same legal effect with original copy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed and effective as of the Effective Date by their duly authorized representatives on the dates shown below.


162 thoughts on “Is Dreame Publishers (also known as Ficfun and Stary LTD.) a Scam?

  1. the thing is Dreame is operated by a Chinese company named Huayue with its base in Shenzhen. But it pretends to be in Singapore. If a company makes up a story about itself and is afraid of showing the true face, it must be a trap. Watch out, guys, in particular those new and rising writers. Don’t get lost in their seeming reasonable offer which would definitely drag you into something unpleasant. It might be the money, you fiction, and even your writing career.


  2. I received this message from Ficfun last year and Dreme this year. Originally, I was pretty surprised because the story that Ficfun noticed was old and not that great in my opinion. However, I still emailed them and asking for a sample contract. They wanted to give me $120 for my book. I ended up ignoring them completely. My book may not have been the best in the world, but I felt like $120 is a slap in the face for it. It’s a scam. I’m not even entertaining this “Dreme” company. They essentially pay you a low rate to have rights to your content.


  3. Um, I don’t actually have anything to do with the writing field. I’ve just currently started writing a story on Dreame, and I need money. Since, I’ve just started with it, I have like around 3k reads. Can anyone help me with what should I do?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Esta compañía ” Dreme ” también me ofreció lo mismo que a ustedes pero antes de comunicarme con ellos . Decidí buscar información antes de hacer algo con ellos y en verdad agradezco haberme encontrado con esta información.! Muchas gracias por haber publicado toda esta información acerca de la compañía ” Dreme ” .


  5. What about if this company contact me and all of my stories are Fanfics? I can’t make money with them for author’s rights.
    So, is a good idea acept the contract considering this?


    1. just remember, their poor business practices (like not determining upfront that this is fanfic and would be considered a copyright infringement by the IP holder) could end up with you being sued. It’s not highly likely, but you open yourself up to a lawsuit because of them. I wouldn’t risk it.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I write some gay romances. No need for the hate. Some people are actually good writers so that was unnecessary. Lets not drag all the writers on any platform. But apart from that… sorry for my rant. Lol. I have signed a contract with them and I’m trying so hard to get out of it, but they refuse to end my contract, so I just decided to stop posting on dreame, since the contract does say that if you don’t post for a certain amount of time, that the contract would end. I’m hoping that’s true, and I’m hoping to get back the rights of the book I already posted on dreame.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. something to watch out for is this: while they currently have the rights to your story, you won’t be able to publish it elsewhere until your contract terminates by the means you mention. You can keep writing your stories, but won’t be able to share or sell content without opening yourself up to problems. That was one of the problems mentioned in this blog.


      2. Well I have a very good answer to your question, and it is the one that a lot of authors used to “kind of” get rights away from ACE and go to DAW back in the 70s and 80s. You rewrite your book. Add 50% more content (double the size) and you can republish it elsewhere, because it qualifies as a new work then.


  6. Thank you so much for your explanation. Actually i also received a notification from Wattpad about them. At first, i am totally happy but at the same time, i have my second thought. Is it a scam or other way around. Your explanation makes me know the truth and i think i wouldn’t want to work with a terrible organisation. Thank you so much


  7. Hello, I’ve received a contract from an app named “Kungfobook” this app is a free reading app. The reader can give tips to author if she wants it doesn’t hinder her reading rights.. Now question is should I accept their contract?their terms quite match dreames. Except they’ll give money on basis of word counts in a month.also You’llget 40% of renumeration if they use your work with a 3rd party.. Please suggest me what to do?


    1. I’ve honestly never heard of them and can’t find anything online. Email me directly (or find my info through my website, linked to this blog) and I’ll look into for a possible article. I’d love to see the contract they sent you.


  8. Sir,
    I’m an aspiring writer and these SwordyStory people contacted me with a writing competition offering various prizes up to $5000 along with a chance to sign a contract of $50 per month.
    Can I send my novel to them just for the competition and refuse to sign any contract if I don’t win? Can they use my novel as their own even then also?


    1. those details will be spelled out in the contract, but I would bet money that submitting gives them your story rights for a few years. I would also bet money (without ever seeing their model) that the contest will be determined by “reader votes” which means they want you to drive all of your friends and family to their site.

      essentially, they are dangling a carrot for you to send them web traffic which they can prop up as “XYZ thousands of unique readers” to provide fake credibility. these things are self-feeding monsters… they probably have a friend already determined as their winner and are harvesting your reader base.

      That’s not to say that you won’t make a few dollars, but if you’ve got the reader base already built up (newsletters, social media, etc.) that you could drive reliable voting traffic to them to win a paltry prize, you’d have enough of a base to monetize on your own and sell your stories direct for quite a bit more money than they are offering.

      I don’t know much about Swordy, but Stary and Dreame are in China… scams know no boundaries and there are quite a few companies that many folks think are legit in America that also pull this scam. Yes. I called it a scam. (I get lots of angry emails disagreeing because someone sent you a check for $20 from some writing once, but any “contest” that is decided on a popular vote is a scam. The only contests that count in the eyes of agents, publishers, and the gatekeepers of the writing world are decided with blind readings done by leading pros. If you send a submission to an agent or publisher and your query brags about a Readers Favorite Award or Best Indie Book Award, that query’s going straight in the trash. Awards that can be bought for the sticker or won by a popular vote are truly meaningless [and a little like bragging that you were prom king/queen on a busienss resume.])


      1. amazon or google books. Amazon has a new program called Vella that is very similar in nature and is properly monetized with the right kinds of controls built in (though I’m not a huge AMZ fan… a better alternative is perhaps ingramspark or draft2digital)

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Chris, aside from Dreame do you know anything about Sofanovel? It’s a reading platform, too, kind of like Wattpad. They also have writing contests and stuff. But well, they actually messaged me in Wattpad and offered me a contract. Though it’s kinda like the contract you received from Dreame. At first I was chatting with them thru email, entertaining them because I’m not famous and I thought it would be a good opportunity to earn with my writing. But when I read the contract it just feels… err… wrong? So, I don’t know… Should I just stop and not submit any stories to them? Or not sign the contract?


    1. I accepted Sofanovel contract but the only problem is when you update a huge words like what I did they will stop you. I don’t know, or maybe they just follow what in the contract, it says 60,000 words but I don’t know if it less than or more than so we misunderstand about the words. But they pay me with the bunos they talking about. And maybe I should write a second book but in Wattpad not in sofanovel.


  10. Hello, someone asked me to write novel in Dreame Platform. They message me in messenger, then I asked them about their platform. The man replied that the platform is where you can write and they can guarantee a fame, money and fortune, I’m an amateur writer in Wattpad but I never accept any contracts without knowing the company. Last December Sofanovel gave me contract which makes me excite after I signed, I checked the background of the company and it show company in Singapore also here in Philippines, so no doubt in my mind about SCAM. They pay me and last March they said to end the story, I was shocked so I just followed them, I end the story within 30 chapters and If I were the reader I might be disappoint with the ending because it’s not completed, so I mean to cut it off and end the contract though they help me to pay my tuition. And now this Dreame contacted me, I ask an agreement or contract then I read all but I noticed something about the contact and there’s doubt in my mind so I search their company and the first thing shows is this, Is the Dreame Platform Scam? And their I read your article and now I’m asking myself. Should I still accept the offer or not?


    1. This is from a readers point of view..I wanted to see how much it will cost me to read a book on you pay as you go..this particular book ended up costing me AUD35 to read! That’s huge. I also enjoyed the beginning of the book..then they really really dragged the middle bit out and ended the book rather abruptly..this is to hook you in and keep charging you by dragging you in..I ended up buying coins 3 times to finish the book..
      Please use more secure flat forms and buy your books outright…

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Dreamed contacted me and I want to know if the contract is permanent or if I can ever get my book to use as I please after the contract ends. I don’t want to sell my rights away.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. selling your rights away is exactly what a book contract is. Essentially, it’s like hiring a babysitter (only the sitter is supposed to pay you while it takes care of your “baby.”) Dreame is a bad babysitter. they will pay poor and quite possibly beat the life out of your story.

      I suggest having a lawyer look at the contract they offered (I am not a lawyer). I would also recommend you read up on book contracts.


  12. I’d definitely recommend staying away from this Chinese app. Their business model is all about taking advantage over the author. There are many better websites for publishing.


    1. I would say think twice , dont let blogs like this confuse you , this are people who dont know how it works, dont let racists tell you whom to and whom not to work with. There are actually articles on quora that will answer your question , as well as authentic authors. Even if you publish your book hardcopywise , your publisher will want a cut so either way everyone will want a cut , question is are you ready ?


      1. I’m getting pretty tired of being called racist for telling people that bad business practices designed to steal your money is a bad idea.

        So much logical fallacy with “Cutsie Meow Meow,” and I won’t bother letting her post go live which indicates very well could be the last person who also called me a racist logging in under a different name and IP Address. Also, Quora is probably the worst place to ask ANY question. If you want legal advice from a 14 year old or the like, then go to Quora, by all means. Though there ARE a few authors there (like Mercedes Lackey), there are no quality controls… and nothing to stop Dreame’s agents from popping on over and over with different accounts saying “yes, Dreame is great–sign the contract right now,” you know, like the comments suspiciously do on the Dreame thread at Quora.

        And again, you obviously know nothing about indie publishing. If you follow all the advice on my blog (or in my book, The Indie Author’s Bible) you will keep 100% of your net sales (70% on ebook, 40% on audio, and 60% on paperback). And maybe look me up while your at it… with something like 30 titles on Amazon and growing, I think I’m a pretty authentic author. I don’t need to put one title on Dreame to suddenly be legitimate, and I certainly don’t need your approval. My question back to you is, “are you ready…” to learn what grammar is?


  13. I am a dreame writer and I read the contract. [deleted nonsense that proves “christine” did not read the article] Maybe you were just being suspicious because they are Chinese but then, not all Chinese are the same, and not all the same races as ours are all good as others.


    1. I edited “Christine’s” response. I find it odd that someone with this very American name seems to have a gmail that indicates her name is Yuki and her IP address traces back to China. Not only did this poster not read the article, but she is accusing me of racism? WTF?
      Pretty sure this is another employee of Dreame/Stary/whatevertheyarerenamingasthisweek. It makes me happy to know how many writers I’ve steered out of this company’s way–so many that they have decided to call me a racist on the internet.


      1. I was thinking of signing up for this because I’m broke but having read this article, I want to thank you for helping me dodge a bullet. I’ll stick with Amazon and Smashwords and persevere


  14. Hello, I’ve been offered a contract by Dreame and it say I can have 6% of the revenu if my book makes it to the pay-to-read. Is this ok? Isn’t it too little?


    1. it’s not very much, for sure. When I’ve been published with other houses it has typically been around 20% to 40% depending on certain factors. If you published your book on your own via amazon you make up to 70% and would have a broader, global reach. I don’t know any Americans who go to read fiction on their website since we mostly prefer to read on dedicated ereaders or ereading software (kindle, nook app, etc.) You have to rely on Dreame’s platform to be large enough to pay you a revenue while you are locked into a long and exclusive contract with them. Essentially you have to believe they will be able to compete with and win.


  15. Thanks for this informative article. I just got this exact offer and was really skeptical about it, especially after searching “Dreame” and one of the first results being “is dreame a scam?”.

    The offer was for a book I wrote when I was 13, which I consider to be pretty badly written but got around 100k reads at its peak in 2014-ish. Is it worth it to just sign the contract and get the royalty pay? I dont do writing (havent even used Wattpad in over 5 years) for a living and it would really be a childhood dream fulfilled if I check “signed author” off the bucket list; but I love all my works a lot and dont want it to be corrupted or anything.


  16. Thing is a total scam start writing for them, yet you ain’t paid for any effort. Damn.. i nearly accepted their contract offer if not for you guys


  17. Reading what you have said ,I see you may not understand how the contract works. You get paid for how hard you work , you cant expect much when you do so little or did you expect 50 usd imediatelly? That counts for the number of words you have written that month , thats how writing sites work you earn as how hard you work nothing is free , , if you start telling people not to sign anything based on your quick judgement, there are sites that pay so low way worse than the one you listed , secondly no one forces you to sign so you have ample time to read your conyract if you dont want to read then DONT SIGH dont fall so foolishly with bait cash think twice thrice before you sign and if you cant GET A LAWYER! where is the proof you have written your story and got nothing? Because I have proof I wrote and got more than i expected unlike before where I was on a site ( name withheld) I wrote more than four stories and got nothing , there was a lot of bugs some chapters vanished . The thing i can tell you or anyone is this before you sign any contract GET A LAWYER OR SOMEONE THAT KNOWS HOW TO READ SO YOU DONT END UP MAKING BLOGS LIKE THIS .


    1. This amuses me because the poor quality of your grammar only reinforces everything I’ve said about Dreame so far. Also, you apparently don’t know much about the publishing and self-pub industry (which means you probably shouldn’t be giving advice–and certainly should not be publicly chastising someone for endorsing caution.) Trust me, I know about contracts; I own a small publishing house… and a promise of 50USD is a BAD offer! Sometimes I make that per day on this story, but it’s not the money that’s the issue, its the bad business and shady contract clauses… at least you endorse getting a lawyer, which is always my go-to advice. Finally, I agree with your last comment… if you are writing books and get a contract but can not read you should find someone who CAN read to review the contract because otherwise you might, in your illiterate state, begin a blog or something? I don’t know… but I can guess at why you weren’t getting money on your previous stories at a other websites…
      Allow me to leave you with an invaluable tool.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Hello! I saw an advertisement stating that Dreame is conducting a contest named ‘Writing Academy’ and the prize money is very tempting. I created an account and started writing. If my work gets signed after I ‘Apply for Contract,’ I will be considered a finalist. The eligibility criteria also states that if I win, I agree to become a Full-Time Writer on Dreame.
    I stumbled upon this article and I am very confused. Should I take part in the competition and apply for contract to get my story signed? Please reply.


    1. i would advise against it. If you search my past blogs, you’ll see I’ve encountered these types of contests before. They likely have no real prize (there’s a prize, but they probably already have the winner picked, or else its a “popularity contest” to win where whoever drives the most traffic wins… not the quality of a story.) Contests like this is a way for companies like Dreame to push new contracts for content. I would steer clear


    2. I’m sorry but I can’t help but reply to your Comment. I Just started Publishing at Dreame that’s why I decided to looked It up more. As far as I know when It comes to their Contest first to Apply for a Contract Review you need to Publish 3k words. Then Stories which Eligible to enter the Contest are the Signed Stories only means Exclusively Signed Stories to them. It also Indicates that If your stories were nonexclusive contracted, all winning prizes will be halved.

      And another thing If I’m not mistaken their Contest has two sessions. At first session to be nominated as finalist you need to publish 50k words before the first sessions end the 100k words at the whole contest. My Novel won’t past the 50k words so I don’t entered. But If your really Interested In their Contest then give time to read their full Contest rules. Cause right now I’m still enjoying reading this blog as I’m learning a lot.


      1. I don’t take a high view of writing contests (I’ll leave a link to an article for more) especially when a publisher already looks shady or to have questionable motives, as is the case with Dreame. When looking at the red flags, the fact that they have a contests only makes them look even MORE suspicious.

        Many illegitimate publishers use contests as a way to harvest submissions and lock those stories into their platform so that authors cannot publish them elsewhere, OR so that they can acquire contact info from the authors and try to merge them onto their platform. Basically, a writing contest does nothing to add credibility to an disreputable publisher, but adding it on to a disreputable outfit makes it look more and more like a scam.

        Indicators of Fake Writing Contests


  19. Hi, I was offered to sign a contract with Dreame but all of my works are fanfics from a well-known series of books. My fanfic has 130 000 views in Wattpad and I don’t want to lose my works there. Should I sign a non-exclusive contract? What’s the difference between them? With this type of contract would I still have my work on Wattpad or I have to delete it? After the contract is over do I still have the rights of my fanfic and could I post it again in another platform? Please reply.


    1. this question is interesting… normally I say no, steer clear, but also it’s a fanfic. You cannot legally publish a fanfic without permission from the IP holder. The question is, if the rights owners discover this, who get sued? (probably both author and publisher). If you wanted to strip the trademark content, could you still publish elsewhere if Dreame now has rights? You’re going to need to discuss with a lawyer on this, but I assume if you publish a fanfic for money you can be sued.


  20. Can I ask what do you think of Inkitt as place for publishing? If Dreame is to be avoided what apps or platforms would you recommend?


    1. I would look to actually publish to a place where people shop (amazon, Ingramspark, draft2digital, etc.) or a platform that either charges readers no money (like Wattpad) or platforms that have a submission process so that there is quality control. Sites like wattpad will publish ANYTHING, meaning there is a lot of garbage and you should not expect monetization… its for the love of writing. The second side means quality is higher and most people’s subs will be rejected.

      If you wanted to publish in earnest, I would take a class on writing for publication and learn about the difference between the independent and traditional models.


  21. Pingback: Page Presence
  22. I just got hit up by Dreame subsidiary Ringdom tonight. Once it got past the preliminaries their terms sounded pretty lousy: would like to introduce you our business mode:
    Our marketingstrategy is to concentrate on digital sale first. Bestsellers will have theopportunity to be published in hardcover or to be adapted.
    On Ringdom’sportal, a contracted new arrival would be promoted by the operation team whilebeing free for reading. Until it has gained 200 followers, it will be selectedinto Pay-to-read Program*. It is possible that we will put a book intoPay-to-read Program earlier than that when we find another right time to do it.
    *Apart fromdiscount and some free samples, a reader would pay $1 to read about 10,000words of premium content. As we are willing to offer you an 8% royalty, youwould get $0.08 from a reader’s $1 payment. (our cost is above 80%)
    Nevertheless, an exclusiveagreement will require the corresponding work to take its Licensee as solepublishing access. If you are not expecting an exclusive agreement for yourbook, you might want to try a non-exclusive contract with us. However, while youmay freely feature the work through your own channels, the royalty willdecrease to 6% and less promotion accesses will be given.


  23. Just read your article with regards Dreame.

    Hopefully this will deter many authors from signing away the rights to their hard work, for which they will never receive the proper renumeration.

    Banner on opening page reads: Trust by more than 100,000 authors?

    Should read: (Trusted by more than 100,000 authors)

    Trust: acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation.

    Trusted: regarded as reliable or truthful

    And yes. I am a member of the Grammer Police.

    This is an immediate clear indication of a lack of correct English, and sets the alarm bells ringing. A company that can’t even bother to check the grammer on its opening page certainly tells me to steer clear of them, that and all the other wording on this site.


  24. Wow, I’m really desperate because of my state right now but good lord, as soon as I saw it’s “Chinese” my pessimistic side laughed, what a joke, anyone might call me racist but I’ve seen enough of them. Well, off to kdp or can you suggest any platform where I can publish and get paid, I’m tired of trying freelancing.


  25. Many thanks to post such information. I also have received a contact from Dreame from my Wattpad history. Firstly I was very happy to receive such interest and even 100 USD is an small amount I only write for amousement so never think to earn money…
    I read the contract and obviosly has lot of points to be discussed before to sign it or even to forget it for only 100 USD… At any case my reward is already done when I saw such interest to pay me for my history…. and not only to have more than 100K readings.

    (sorry for my english but I’m Spanish first language)


  26. Do you have any advice for authors trying to get out of these oppressive contracts unscathed? Dreame seems to have no obligation to promote or protect the works. A few friends of mine had their work stolen and posted to other apps only to have Dreame shrug and claim it’s not their problem. The price to break contract is too high in some cases (double what the book has made)


  27. I know this blog post is old, but the contract with Dreame would only have the rights to whatever story you submit to Dreame, right? If I posted a low quality work to them to earn a few bucks, while working on a bigger project to self publish somewhere else?


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